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Lili Ivanova

Lili Ivanova is a Bulgarian pop singer . Since 1961 she developed and continued performing concerts, record their own songs and albums, there are media events, participate in television programs, starred in movies. As a sign of respect for her contribution to the Bulgarian popular music it is sometimes called the "prime of Bulgarian pop music."

Childhood and school years
Lili Ivanova was born on April 24, 1939 [1] [2] in the town of Kubrat . It is named after his deceased older sister Liliana. In the baptismal certificate is saved as Liliana Ivanova Petrova.
Parents of Lili Ivanova are Maria Petrova and Damyanova Damianov Ivan Petrov (b. 1904). Her mother is from the village of Tetovo , to Kubrat. Her father was a clerk in the police and city hall in the period before September 9, 1944 , which subsequently causes the arrest of more than 3 months. During World War II began to deal with car rental hire, then it becomes a driver. Her mother is not generally worked, but financial difficulties became a waitress. Family has four children, which are all the girls, two of them died of scarlet fever.
Family of Lili Ivanova paternal called Choco. Her grandmother and grandfather Her wealthy Bulgarians raising and dealing in horses, originally lived in what is now Romania , in the North Dobrogea . Subsequently moved to the village Ruse Nisovo . Her grandmother and her grandfather are Mary and Peter. After their marriage, they started living in the Republic, calling them "nisovliite" - a nickname by which they are called later both parents and herself Lili Ivanova. They have 12 children. Owners of the pub where the young future singer sometimes sings songs to visitors. [3] In their home lives later, the family of Lili Ivanova. Her grandparents Her mother is Maria and Peter.
Lili Ivanova family loves music. Her grandfather and her uncle on his mother's side play the violin very well. Her mother loved to sing popular songs of the time, even if only at home, and her father - Russian songs.
When Lilly is 7-8 years old, her parents and several relatives collect money to buy her accordion . However, since there is no one to teach her, she was trying to teach myself. In the 4-5 grade she is interested in it to learn to play the piano . The only pianist in Kubrat's companion Chernev, who is old age. Lily goes to classes with him, but only managed to take two lessons because the teacher she dies. A little later she began singing in the school choir, where singing all children. Although beautiful voice, she considers it just part of learning and thinking to deal with music. Furthermore, since the first grade she practiced gymnastics and even won a gold medal at the national championship in Ruse in 1952 World music that has the ability to listen is mostly Russian and Italian - the one run at wire broadcasting or radio.
In 1956 Lili Ivanova began to study at the Medical Vocational School for nurses and midwives in the city of Stalin (as it was then called Varna ) nurse - a prestigious profession at the time, and the School is not far from the Municipality. She lives in a lodge located "Shipka" against then-cinema "Republic" and not in a hostel. In this theater concerts popular singer Irina Chmihova in which young music student is deceived, but the future artist can not afford a ticket and
see it live until later in the Municipality. The first evidence of events before an audience of Lili Ivanova are from 1956-57, when it performs popular songs organized in school "domestic festivals," which svidelstva Women Stoilova her class leader. Under the direction of music teacher Hristo Ivandzhikov [4] , Lili Ivanova is also involved with singing and playing the accordion in small retail compositions called. "Propaganda groups" who perform Russian songs to sailors in other schools and in different occasions, thus earning a reputation in the local singer. Among the songs they listen to Turkish radio (because it is not broadcast in our country) are "Ganz Paris träumt von der Liebe" of Caterina Valente and "Arrivederci Roma", who sings in school events.
After completing its distribution work for the psychiatric hospital in the town of Byala , but with the intercession of his father, about 1959, young nurse began working at the hospital in Kubrat. In the city there is a community choir in which it is manifested, and her colleagues also know that she likes to do music. Memories of her boss Dr. Ivan Kirchev becomes clear that she has recorded texts in Bulgarian, Serbian, German, Italian and Spanish songs and even sang it to adults.
Targeting professional singing
Lili Ivanova argues that a series of small signs her up to it wish to engage seriously with singing. One was accidentally overheard a conversation between her future husband and a colleague that she has talent and could gain fame and money from music. Another encouraging sign is the prediction of the hand of an elderly gypsy. Third sign is the strong impression of the performance of the song "Camino" by singer Irina Chmihova concert in the library in Kubrat. Lili Ivanova asks the singer to give her a text but the song, but she tells her that she will do it when he comes in Sofia, but he forgets to do it. The text was ousted from her friends who have made ​​amateur tape recording of the concert and so she Investigates the song. [5]
The singer learns that in order to deal seriously with music, she needed so called. "Category" (a document certifying occupational skills), thus begins about two weeks to sing in a gypsy orchestra playing in a restaurant in Kubrat, then auditioned by a committee Ruse gets a "third category" for the singer. At that time it was realized that a voice for the stage, which gives confidence to seek careers in Sofia. Her parents are against because of the poor reputation of the artists, but she is determined to defend his goal. [6]
In 1960, while still working as a nurse, Lili Ivanova traveled twice to Sofia to know what outlets would have. For my second visit two days leave and attend office "Estrada" (not to be confused with the sector "Estrada" at Concert Directorate) with a desire for self-expression, but does not know that this institution is responsible only for appointments in restaurants. From there, she was offered to sing at the restaurant "Blue Rocks" in Sliven, but she refused. [7] never connect to it until the next day for lack of another proposal, she returned to the Municipality. Subsequently traveling troupe of musicians to hear her talent and offered to join them. They go around the community centers and theaters to free concerts over workers. Her office is a state fee of 5 or 8 lev concert. The singer, however, was not satisfied with the level and leaves as band and work at the hospital.
It is in this period Lili Ivanova met and married her first husband George Pavlov [8] , which was distributed in the village Testament, not far from Kubrat. The wedding is in a very narrow range - only four people present. As the allocation expires, their life together begins in the house of his parents in Pernik, but their marriage was short-lived due to domestic difficulties and disagreements with her ​​mother in law who disapproves of her singing career. At the time of her marriage and life in Pernik it often has the opportunity to travel to Sofia and to explore options for further development of singing. Due to the disorder in marriage not long after she decided never to return to Pernik, and later (around 1964) and wants a divorce. [9]
Home Career in Sofia
In 1961 the singer finally decided to move to Sofia . By Lydia Stantcheva, Supervisor "Estrada" concert Directorate regulates audition with pianist Irina Chmihova Evgeny Komarov . It offers assistance in choosing the repertoire and she began lessons with him, but quickly terminates, as he taught her Russian romances in which she does not want to develop. During this period of about four years living in a hotel "Rodopi" because they do not have a house. In order to ensure your stay in Sofia, money sends her first husband, and receives support from Lydia Stantcheva. [10]
Concert by the Directorate include singer in a tour called "Estrada for all" in which folk artists involved with the band leader Stefan Demirev trio "harmonica Olympia" and others. Regular practice of this period Concert Directorate to engage performers in multiple pooled participations in which different singers involved with one or more songs in performances such as the variety show, which included jugglers and dancers. In 1962 the singer was involved in concert Villas Kazasyan and his composition "In the Studio" concert hall "Bulgaria". Her main interests in this period as a supporting singer in the interests of the Orchestra "Ringtones", where the established names Emil Dimitrov and Maria Koseva . They sing in the building of BIAD and around the country. The first tour of the singer outside Bulgaria in Romania with this composition. However, it is very bitter from the atmosphere, as there are some people voltages misjudgment and trouble in the group, which led to its division with these musicians. [11]
Lili Ivanova continues to work with the group of Zdravko Radoev and still tours the country singer Greta Gancheva , magician Orphee , simulators Christo Minchev (chicken) , folk singers Boris Mashalov and Yonka Kipcheva . Zdravko Radoev as the son of composer sees the talents of the singer, her professional guide and direct it to listen to the songs of Connie Francis , Rita Pavone , Eriko Modunyo , Ella Fitzgerald , Dalida , Shirley Basie and others. At that time, Lili Ivanova has to do with the musician and lived with him about 3-4 years. In this period the singer twice during its tour around the country is faced with serious health problems requiring two operations that do not allow her to have children in the future. [12]
In 1964 , the Hall is a concert Universiade Swedish rock singer Jane set and the group "Northern Tiger". Lili Ivanova sings the first part of the concert for the first time to such a large audience. first night confuses the text (which is not rehearsed with the orchestra), making it upset and she left the stage. On the second night the song "Moonlight" Joseph Tsankov repertoire of Mimi Nikolova and a quick Romanian song. audience accepts it very warmly, contributing for the first time more seriously talked about the singer and she dobie to wider fame. [13] [14]
First records and popularity
Success Hall Universiade enables Lili Ivanova to start working with his own band and its music to become a central part in contributions. Her repertoire now includes Bulgarian songs, the first written specifically for her, is "Vitosha" music and lyrics of Emmanuel Manolov . She sings and "sea girl Varna" of Dimitar Valchev . Also performed songs in Italian, as well as songs of Ella Fitzgerald. In 1964 followed by a second tour in Romania. Her commitments are mainly in the restaurant "Ambassador" and bar "Melody" with orchestra directed by Zdravko Radoev. In Bucharest rapidly gains popularity among the audience, while being seen by prominent Romanian musicians (eg composer Horia Mokulesku, Belt pianist, bassist Johnny radical), which gives an invitation to record LPs. Negotiations are fruitful finish and record company "Electrecord" issued the first plate of the singer (this is the first LP of Bulgarian artist since then the technology was not known at home). The plate is full-length, called " Lili Ivanova - Recital ", contains 8 songs, two of which the Bulgarian language and is the first LP of Bulgarian artist. After the release of the records, in order to promote the album, the singer has appearances in theater "Konstantin Tanas" with a large orchestra, where previously Lea Ivanova song "Tulip" has reaped success. Cover version of Lili Ivanova also very well received. The period for which the singer remains in Romania, is half a year. During this time she was fascinated by the attitude of the musicians and audience to it.
Follows an invitation from the band " Balkanton "concert to be broadcast on Yugoslav television. In Belgrade, Lily and musicians are welcomed by Bulgarian orchestra, led by hereditary musician, pianist Ivan Peev . Between singer and pianist quickly fall in love, began a relationship and he offers her marriage. After Hacho Boyadziev became director of the Concert Department, he ordered the band to return to Bulgaria to tour the country in which participates Lili Ivanova. A little later, on March 15, 1965 they were married (for the second singer). The celebration was attended by only three people closest friends. In his biography of 2009 singer named Ivan Peev "only (my) love." After the wedding, they are going on tour in the USSR .
In this vegetation period was issued an ordinance which requires the singers to sing in Bulgarian. This puts Lili Ivanova at a disadvantage because it has no rich Bulgarian repertoire. Decided to ask the most eminent composer - Joseph Tsankov to write her a song. He composed "Saturday Night" (1963), but as Lili Ivanova is still unconfirmed name, the composer for the first time in person goes on the radio to see how gets Recording his song. He liked the performance and the two friends. After Lili Ivanova is back from his tour in the Soviet Union , the song is already a hit.
The popularity of Lili Ivanova has grown since the mid-60s thanks to it enters the home of the Bulgarian TV. Lili Ivanova and Emil Dimitrov were the most frequently photographed by television Bulgarian singers. In 1964 Hacho Boyadziev starred in Vidin 3 her songs. Especially popular it captured video for the song "Saturday Night," in which the singer manages roller, driven by Pernik its own power for a week. They Ivo Hadjimishev photographer who photographed shoot from which the image was chosen for the cover of her first Bulgarian plate. [15]
In 1965 the singer appeared in the feature film " Restless home "directed by Rangel Valchanov where cabaret performs the song "Cuore (Heart)" Rita Pavone. [16]
First, international honors. Career until the end of the 60s
In 1966 in Bratislava , Czechoslovakia Lili Ivanova appeared on her first international competition. The song part is the "Adagio" with music by Angel Zaberski and arranged by her husband. Favorite of the jury is Karel Gott , and despite the claims of the Czech side to their first artist, Bulgarian singer has more points, which she won three awards "Golden Key" - for best artist, best melody and lyrics . The competition was broadcast live on television, which brought her recognition and respect of the international audience. After the contest, the Hungarian TV connect to the host of the Bulgarian delegation asking the next day Lili Ivanova sing in Hungarian television. Indeed, the next day the singer in Budapest and present a song there. The winner of the next morning returned to Bulgaria to sing ongoing during this time contest " Golden Orpheus "in Sunny Beach . There is, however, forbidden to report and comment to win prizes which grieved singer. [17]
In 1966 Hacho Boyadziev film about a 30-minute television "portrait" of the singer, in which she performs her music. Later the same director shot the Bulgarian-Romanian program "Hello, Sofia, Bucharest here."
In 1967 Balkanton issued second LP of Lili Ivanova - " a small lane . " It toured Cuba as her traveling group and opera singers, including Julia Wiener-Chenisheva and Pavel Gerdjikov . There Lili Ivanova sings a number of concerts, including the Havana Theatre "Amedeo Roland."
In 1968, the singer once again have a big tour in the USSR touring Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Riga, Almaty, Novosibirsk. The "Golden Orpheus" in the same year Lili Ivanova presents "Moonlight Sonata" Angel Zaberski. Participated in the IX World Festival of Youth and Students, as well as a festival in Barcelona with Biser Kirov, where he won awards.
In 1969 appeared the third edition of the festival for LPs and music releases with over one million copies, where he won the "Trofeo Midem." In the same year her album " Camino ".
Career in the 70s
In 1970, Lili Ivanova again compete with the Czech Karel Gott festival in Athens , while other strong performers is German Ben Kramer (Ben Cramer). Racing track "Star" Al. Iosifov she won gold plate. Festival in Athens present director of the International Festival of pop song in Rio de Janeiro. He invites Bulgarian singer and wishes before the singer to move to Brazil to shoot a film with 12 songs in Lisbon , which she does. In Rio she sings at "Mara Kazinyo" holds about 30,000 people. The audience eats, drinks and is extremely intemperate (including fights there), but it subsides when the singer sings the song "Requiem" Al. Iosifov. He was subsequently honored with an award.
For exhibition in Osaka Expo 70 Japanese side like the song "fair", but wants to sing Mariya Hristova. Lili Ivanova does not allow another to sing her song, resulting in Toncho Roussev and director of "Golden Orpheus" Genco Genchev settled Lili Ivanova go. The delegation is Boris Godzhunov. At the exhibition they tid give small presentations. Japanese impresario, seeing opportunities in Bulgaria, invites singer participated in nightclubs and outdoor summer theaters, and subsequently on 8 major concerts in Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
In the early 70s Lili Ivanova makes a number of concerts in Turkey with its counterpart Boris Godzhunov Orchestra and Ivan Peev. They have a number of performances in Istanbul and the country. Due to their success Turkish impresario then ask them for their future participation. Almost all of them their travel companions are popular in their home country singers Fisyun Jonah (Füsun Önal), Tanzhu Okan (Tanju Okan), Ajah Pecan (Ajda Pekkan), which is known from joint participation in Barcelona, ​​and the actor Yostyurk Serengil (Öztürk Serengil). The group is under the constant interest of the press, which often publishes reports on them. [18]
In 1970 he recorded the album " This world is so wonderful , "next year - her two slabs" I love you "and in 1973 -" Eternity "and" Exhibitions ".
After a break after 1971 again became a frequent performer participating in television productions and programs Hacho Boyadziev. Bulgarian TV performed several films for the singer, the first being "I'm Lily" 1974
In 1973, Lili Ivanova, with Toncho Roussev , visit the festival in Chile, Vina del Mar. She sings 24-strong stadium. The first night the audience is trying to banish the singer shouting "Out communist bitch." Triple cordon separates performers and honored guests from the angry crowd. The singer, gain experience from Rio de Janeiro, not moving from his place and started singing and strongest part of the song manages to get the audience to quiet down, and the finish is acclaimed stormy. There the "Fairs", "I love you" (translated by Julio Alegria, the then Ambassador of Chile in Sofia) and "Camino" won the grand prize for implementation. [19]
That same year visited Paris for the Second International Competition for pop songs and performers "Grand Prix", where also home to the award. Of " Golden Orpheus "Lili Ivanova same year he met with visiting Julio Iglesias , and the next in 1974 won the "Grand Prix contractor". [20]
The third husband of Lili Ivanova is Iancho Takov son of political functionary of the management of Todor Zhivkov Peko Takov . Sponsors them Jivkova Ludmila and her husband Ivan Slavkov . The marriage did not last. After the divorce (about 1975) of the singer were created trouble finding gigs.
In 1975 was published the first biography of the singer - "Our Lily" composed by Ivaylo Vulkova Marin Bonchev containing multiple fragments - memories of her colleagues, friends and admirers.
In the mid 70s Zdravko Radoev guided orchestra "Poppies" by singing Lili Ivanova. In the orchestra is included as an additional guitarist and singer Assen Gargov with whom the singer began a personal and professional relationship that lasted about 15 years. [21] Due to misunderstandings form a new group led by Gargov, but because during this period the singer divorced with third husband (who has influence), it half a year has difficulties to find new interests. Following a request for assistance to the senior General Elijah Kashev , she and the band are again involved. In Assen Gargov be toured in the USSR and Israel.
In 1976 recorded the album " Old friend of mine "and" Tango "next year -" Dove "and" Songs of Alexander Iosifov "and in 1978 - duet album with Asen Gargov" Life brings us together, our lives divided . " In 1979, a double-album " My City ".
Career in the 80s
In the 80s Lili Ivanova has many interests in East and West Germany. In 1981 he took part in the entertainment show "Night in the spotlight (Abends im Rampenlicht)" on German TV DFF, which is presented together with Dorit Gaebler, Rolf Heriht and Helena Vondrachkova. [22] In the mid-80s theater director invites Volkmar Neumann Lili Ivanova for performances in Berlin "Friedrichstadtpalast." Since the repertoire lacks appropriate songs for a short period of time, it prepares English-language songs as well as songs from her repertoire Bulgarian, but processed in German. wrote to her Songs authors Klaus Munro, Ralph Arnold, Arnold Fritz, Gerhard Ziybholts Horst Kruger, Michael Hansen and Dieter Schneider. singer constantly traveling between the two countries in the period 1986-1991, the count on the commitment in Germany., where she is performing on many places, including in television shows such as "streaky boiler", and nightclubs, as from 1984 to 1990 more than 1600 live performances in the GDR. singer in 1987, is the official cultural ambassador of Bulgaria during the celebrations of 750 godininata Berlin. After the onset of economic difficulties in Germany and reduction commitments singer returns permanently in Bulgaria.
In 1981 the album " Warning "and the German-speaking" Kein Schoner War Film ", next year -" Cricket ", and in 1983 - duet album with Asen Gargov" The heart has chosen . " In 1984, a double-album, " I want you . " In 1986 appeared album " Lilly 86 "next year -" You called me , "and in 1989 -" Heavy wedding . "
Career in the 90s
After November 10, 1989 Concert Directorate is closed, so there is no one to provide commitments to contractors as it was then. Lili Ivanova continues to work primarily on private interests and parties with a group of musicians. It participates Chocho Vladovski with whom she worked for 4 years. After the crisis of 1996, it can no longer afford the group and for a time used by the contributions sinbek.
In 1990, in the TV show every Sunday , sports gymnasts Lily Ignatova and Dilyana Georgieva in protest of the negative attitude of the press towards them ostentatiously "return" medals. Two weeks later, Lili Ivanova, inspired by their reaction to Kevork Kevorkian at will also return its award "Golden Record", until then an in Bulgaria only 5 people. The singer claimed that future winners of the award will be determined on the basis of exceptional musical merit, but will receive it only sold 25,000 copies of the album for that year. In this conversation, the singer said it sold over 2 million records. [23]
In 1993 he recorded the album " Gambling "and two years later -" Ready for Love . " In the mid-90s singer starts again doing solo concerts. Initially in small rooms because you have committed yourself to them and paid with equipment rental and no orchestra. Gradually, her concerts are becoming more popular and big, so it was allowed to stand mainly from them. In 1998 she recorded the disc " special case . "
Career from 2000 to 2009
In 2000, Lili Ivanova released the album " Winds "and participated with the song" Camino "album" Canaletto and friends. " In 2001, following Love is stronger than anything in 2002 - Best 1 includes six songs on the album "Time lyrics by Alan Oshanov" and released a duet with their single- Drago Draganov .
The first issue of Playboy in Bulgarian, which was released in April 2002, published erotic photoshoot of Lili Ivanova as the pictures are taken by the team of Vasil Karkelanov . [24] [25] The event has its echo in the media, especially the singer keep public support expressed in the article "Bravo, Lily!" Hristo Kiossev [26] In 2003 appeared " Illusion Called Love "and" Best 2 "and in 2004 -" Tango . " In 2006 the artist was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. [27]
In 2006 and 2009, without the approval of the singer published her two unofficial biographies - "Just Lily" and "Lily. One life, one destiny ... ". Lili Ivanova publicly protested against the two editions - ordered the author of the first book, and later when it was released second, convened a press conference stating that he wrote the book is incorrect and does not reflect the truth about her life. [28]
In 2007 and 2008 Lili Ivanova makes great concerts in Hall 1, recorded and broadcast by bTV . In these two consecutive years issued discs " One Love "and" no rules ". On 9 January 2009, the singer had a concert in "Olympia" in Paris , which performs its old dream (shared in the article "Meeting the names of the stage" by Vera Grozeva in 1979) [29] [30] The same year Sofia Days opens in Moscow. [31]
In 2008, Martin Karbovski take extensive biographical interview at the home of the singer broadcast in two episodes of the show "Fatherland Front" on Nova TV . [32] In April 2009 the Bulgarian market goes autobiography "Truth" of Lili Ivanova edited by the same journalist. [33]
On May 2, 2009 on bTV started broadcasting the documentary series "Danger close - Lili Ivanova." Author and director of the production is Milena Budinova that for about a year filming 10 hour episodes that follow the current work of the singer and view moments from her creative path. [34]
On July 6, 2009 Lili Ivanova receives honorary officer rank colonel of medical service of the Bulgarian Army and was awarded with a dangerous weapon. [35]
In July 2009 the company "KVZ Music" agreed the legal distribution of music Lili Ivanova on the Internet, allowing her songs to be purchased in the world specialized sites for this type of trade. [36] [37]
In 2009-2010 the singer was widely publicized in the media, public conflict with Mitko Shterev and Asen Gargov , resulting in mutually prohibit to execute a music lead to litigation and accused of libel. [38] [39 ]
Career from 2010 to today
In 2010 and 2011 public media mined checks the National Revenue Agency among the popular performers such as Lili Ivanova is also subject to revisions for the establishment of tax evasion. [40] Therefore, although the proposal of the Minister of Culture Rashidov to pay pension contributions for the singer's Finance Minister Simeon Djankov resisted the result that the government refuses, citing unpaid taxes from her. [41] As of 2010, the pension of the singer is about 105 lev and it its having to endure singing.
In 2010 appeared album " This world is a woman "and" In the name of faith . "
In early 2012, Lili Ivanova presents new recordings of texts Yavor Kirin as the songs "No One" (music: Krasimir Gyulmezov ), "Another Summer" (music: Alexander Brazitsov ) "Her name" (music: Iveta Kirilova ) "Whisper" (music: Yavor Kirin) "Icarus" (music: Kamen Drandiyski ) and also the "black sheep" of the group " Agate "( Bozidar Glavev ) and "The world was created for us" (music : Augie Enev text: Martin Karbovski ). [42] Later that year appeared the videos "You're not for me" featuring Maruis Kurkinski and three videos - all directed by Javor Vesselinovo.
At the end of 2012 before an audience of about 15 000 people organize large-scale three-hour concert hall Arena Armeec Sofia by Bulgarian singer is the first artist performing in this room. At the concert, she presents 23 mostly newer songs and performances 5 bis as accompany her own formation, under the name "Grand Li Orchestra", including Biser Ivanov, Veselin Veselinov - Eco Stoyan Yankulov - Stundzhi, Kalin Velyov Michael Iosifov, Zivko Petrov and others. [43] [44] [45] [46] Eight of the songs performed at the concert presented in the official VEVO channel the singer in YouTube . [47]
In 2013, the singer has participated in the Moscow Palace Kremlin on the occasion of the anniversary concert of poet Ilya Reznik. [48] before the early elections 42nd National Assembly in the same year, Lili Ivanova participated in the final concert of the election campaign of the Socialist Party . [49 ] On October 12, the singer had a concert in Cultural and Congress Centre "Saint Pierre" in Brussels before an audience of 650 people, among them the European Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva . [50] The concert is the premiere of the song "just fate" that a few days previously recorded in "Studio 88" with trumpeter Michael Iosifov that her arranger and composer. At the end of the year bTV broadcast biographical documentary Georgi Toshev "unknown: Lili Ivanova - Unexplained" where fellow singer shared impressions about the beginning of her career and her recent appearances. [51]
Musical activity

Singing style and repertoire
Lili Ivanova started his career mainly popular for its time Italian, French and other foreign songs, is considered a good imitatorka the style of Rita Pavone . However, in the early years of his professional work began to be directed primarily at Bulgarian songs. The career of most professional performers from the era of socialism plays a major role state structure Concert Directorate, as it is the manager and impresario of the singers by providing connection with composers, songwriters and musicians who create work for them, and they both committed to participate. Thus, immediately after the singer obtained some popularity, she gets her chance to create individual repertoire, it helps build your own singing style. Her style is distinctive, with a pronounced lyricism and melody of the music. Her music in the 60s and 70s is often complex and rich orchestrations, dramatic transitions between quiet and loud moments, often played with a brass band, string orchestra, rhythm section, electric guitar, focusing on the piano or Hammond organ and backing vocals (sometimes choral), tangible reverb to the voice of the performer. Subsequently, with the passing of this fashion style, the singer performs music accompanied by sound especially power tools. After 2000, especially in their live performances, the songs performed on the sound of prerecorded sinbetsi, are interspersed with performances, accompanied by several musicians - mainly piano, violin, guitar and saxophone. The singer has repeatedly stated in his career how important to her and how much priority given to the value text. It has mainly pop songs written by Bulgarian composers and songwriters. Also present songs in Russian, English, German, French, Turkish, Spanish, Italian, Romanian and Hebrew, which has primarily touring abroad. According push ideological politics, even foreign songs was recommended (though not completely strict compliance) to sing in Bulgarian, which is why it has many cover versions of famous songs that have become popular in the west of the Iron Curtain , which is common practice for all popular music from the period before 1989).
Concerts and live performances
During the 60s, 70s and 80s Lili Ivanova performed numerous concert tours abroad - mostly in the USSR, but also in Germany, Cuba, Japan, Turkey, Czech Republic, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Poland, Greece, Portugal and others. In the 80s, active in East Germany, where he performed specifically written for her songs from Arnold Fritsch and Peter Paulik (concerts, shows in Friedrichstadtpalast elsewhere, participated in many TV shows). After 90 years of the 20th century, the singer has made ​​several tours in Bulgarian immigrant community in the U.S. and Canada, and also re-visited and Russia. To increase participation in the era of transition than traditional concerts to capacity audiences, the singer often allows himself manifested smaller events - clubs and piano bars, participation in private parties and promotions, company parties and more. Since 2000, the singer usually organizes a small number of large, well-advertised and announced concerts (once a year in Sofia in Hall 1, often in two consecutive dates as irregular appearances in major Bulgarian cities).
The years of his career Lili Ivanova has made over 11,000 concerts, but significant part in the period before 1989, in 1961 started with 8 lev fee to participate, and 1965 rose to 20 lev, when it "Honored artist" gets 60 lev and 1975, when it "folk artist" to 1989 typically received 120 lev fee to participate.
Creative Collaboration
At different periods of his career, Lili Ivanova collaborates with many musicians, including the orchestras of Zdravko Radoev (early 60s), " 6 +1 "led by Ivan Peev (1966), " Poppies "led by Mitko Sterev (70) Orchestra Assen Gargov of (1977). In duet with Asen Gargov released two albums, and in the early '80s the band briefly presented under the name "Sofia" . Among the composers with whom Lili Ivanova place close creative collaboration are Zaberski Angel (1965-1968); Toncho Roussev (1969-1974); Mitko Shterev (1974-1977); Nayden Andreev (early 80s). In the 80s, the star performs songs of many younger composers, including Todor Filkov Assen Gargov, Rafi Zhamarkotsyan , Lubomir Damianov , Alexander Kiprov . In the early 90s, this trend has continued, and it should be noted cooperation with Chocho Vladovski , with whom he established a joint studio perform several duets and recorded the album "Gambling" and with Ivan Lechev - "special case."
Throughout the career of the singer observed a strong drive to her work with sound, advanced for the era in which it creates. In the mid-'90s singer diversify its image and reach for melody music styles like rock, soul, ritamendblus, Balkan ethno, jazz. This change can be seen most clearly in the album "Private event" of 1999 and the subsequent ethno-project "Winds" of 2000 Later she released several albums in which new songs significantly reduced and old hits were recorded in new arrangements. Since the beginning of 2006 Lili Ivanova work with a small band consisting of Ognjan Enev - piano, saxophone, Biser Ivanov - guitar, Orlin Tsvetanov - violin.
Lili Ivanova worked with many prominent writers, perhaps the most significant is its operation with the poet Damian Damianov and sasho so sing songs and poems of Paul MATEV , Lubomir Levchev , Ivan Vazov , Hristo Botev , Peyo Iavorov , Kiril Hristov , Hristo Yasenov , Veselin Hanchev , Blaga Dimitrova and others. The main topic of the texts of her songs is love. Since the late 60s to mid 80s many of the songs are " hits . " Gradually, under the influence of the incoming new musical tastes songs Lili Ivanova lose mass popularity that they had before, but her songs hit the charts, her concerts are sold out, continues to be invited to TV shows, filming movies, recording songs and albums.
Discography and recordings

 Main article: Discography of Lili Ivanova
Lili Ivanova has 35 full-length album. Singles out in Bulgaria are 29. Has issued small plates and albums in Romania, Turkey, Germany, Spain and others. countries. Lili Ivanova is popular in Russia and its plates are sold well in the Soviet Union . There are no statistics on the number of sold copies of the album. According to one edition of the show " Every Sunday "from the early 80s, only in Bulgaria, their circulation exceeds 10 million. Sales in the former Soviet Union and other countries Iosifov Alexander , director of Balkanton from 1968 to 1986, says: "When I became director of Balkanton in capacity of 3 million 600 thousand plates, large, these "black trays" as their shout Lili Ivanova Drawing Soviet Union was over one million. In Bulgaria made ​​some runs of 250-300 thousand, and for the Soviet Union under a million is not falling " . During this period, Lili Ivanova issued 18 LP, 34 small and three pooled plates. Magazine "L'Europeo" states that copies of the album sold in the Soviet Union exceeded 10 million. However, the singer did not receive royalty from the music, and the collapse of the Concert Directorate and the lack of a working framework on human Performances and Phonograms 50-year career of singer deprive any revenue for copyright back. This fact and the fact that her music is distributed also in unauthorized (pirate) way makes Lili Ivanova feel robbed. [52] In this regard, in 2007, she publicly stated that the circulation of works of art Internet is wrong and should be punishable by imprisonment HERO DYD

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